Curriculum Vitae for David D. Baldwin

(e) Full-time employee
(c) Contractor
Senior Technical Writer, Disney Technology Support & Services, Seattle, WA (e)
Start date: March 25, 2014; FTE start date: September 28, 2015; Retired September 2017
Customer Solutions and Tools group of the Walt Disney Company
- Review all DevCentralDocs documentation before publication
- Enforce style guide standards
- Advise technical managers on the organization of their web content
- Publish DevCentral documentation
- Write, edit, and publish API documentation
- Train less experienced writers
- Tools: Atlassian Confluence (HTML), JIRA, and Microsoft Word
Proprietor of the blog Grammaticus—Go to
NOTE; Grammaticus is a daily writing and rewriting exercise for the software developers who write topics for the DevCentralDocs website at DTSS. I gave a one-hour presentation in January 2015 about the Grammaticus website to 122 Disney employees from all over the world. Approximately three dozen Disney developers follow the daily postings. The writing for the DevCentralDocs website is much better today than it was when I started the blog in September 2014.
I converted the Grammaticus blog into a writing and editing resource for Disney programmers and engineers, and the Walt Disney Company added it to its Best Practices section on the company website in 2017.
Instructor, Writing Winning Proposals (6 hours), Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA (c)
One-day seminar on September 27, 2014
Instructor, White Papers (five weeks), Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA (c)
Taught classes from November 2012 to January 2014.
Technical Writer, Amazon Seller Support Services, Seattle (c)
- Developmental editing: Amazon Flexible Payment Services (FPS) documentation
- July 2013 to January 2014
- Writing and editing for the Seller Support website
Technical Editor, Amazon Seller Support Services, Seattle (c)
Customer sales and services support from January 2013 to July 2013
- Seller Support Help pages
- E-mails to sellers
- Selling Coach documentation
- Blurbs (Yes, blurbs. It’s in the job description.)
- SOPs for sellers
- Documentation for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Project management (SIMs)
- Tools: Microsoft Word, Help Builder–HTML, and XMetaL
Technical Editor, Hewlett-Packard, full-time work from home (c)
Hewlett-Packard: 3COM Rebrand, Phase II, May 2011 to March 2013
- Editing Word documents originally written in Chinese by H3C, then translated into English
- Applying the editing standards of the HP Style Guide
- Indexing Word documents
- Converting Word documents to XML using Arbortext
- Uploading documents to the Vasont database
- Editing XML documents using Arbortext and Vasont
Technical Editor, Xbox, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
December 2007 to March 2011
- Xbox 360 SDK (over 10,000 Help topics)
- Games for Windows LIVE SDK
- XNA Game Studio docs
- White papers
- 3 1/2 years experience writing, editing, formatting, and bug fixing in an XML schema
Technical Editor, Team Foundation Server, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
August 2006 to August 2007
Description: Visual Studio SDK documentation
Proposal Group Manager, Lunar Logic, Eugene, OR (e)
October 2005 to May 2006
- Proposal management (10 proposals)
- Executive summaries
- RFP analysis
- Market research
API Writer (Java), Lunar Logic, Eugene, OR (e)
January 2005 to September 2005: Javadocs (5,000 Help topics)
Senior Technical Writer, OPNET, Bethesda, MD (e)
April 2003 to September 2004
- API writer (C/C++ and Python)
- User guides
Technical Writer, Washington Mutual Bank, Seattle, WA (c)
September 2002 to December 2002
Description: Wrote programming guide for Washington Mutual’s new small business website
API Writer (C/C++), xSides, Seattle, WA (e)
January 2002 to August 2002
Description: Created an SDK from scratch: 1,500 API descriptions, plus a few conceptual topics
Three short-term writing assignments (c)
June 2001 to December 2001: User guides
API writer (C/C++), Rational, Redmond, WA (c)
October 2000 to May 2001: Help documentation
Technical Writer, Vitessa, Seattle, WA (c)
June 2000 to October 2000: User guides
Content Writer, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
January 2000 to May 2000: MSN website
API Writer (Javascript), Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
October 1999 to December 1999
Technical Editor, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
April 1999 to September 1999: Visual Studio SDK
Technical Editor, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
January 1998 to March 1999: Windows Platform SDK
Technical Writer, GTE, Bothell, WA (c)
August 1997 to December 1997: Operations manuals
Technical Editor, GTE, Bothell, WA (c)
April 1997 to August 1997: Operations manuals
Technical Editor, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
March 1997 to April 1997: White papers
Technical Writer, Interlinq, Kirkland, WA (c)
August 1996 to October 1996
Description: Wrote a 200-page print MortgageWare user guide for mortgage company loan processors who could not figure out how to use the online Help
Article Editor (African and European history), Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
November 1995 to June 1996: Encarta Encyclopedia
Technical Writer, InfoAccess, Bellevue, WA (c)
April 1995 to October 1995: User guides
Technical Editor, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (c)
March 1995 to April 1995: White papers
RFP Analyst, Boeing, Seattle, WA (e)
April 1991 to August 1994
- Twenty-four large proposals—most for Boeing Aerospace Proposal Group in Kent, WA
- Occasional editing of proposal text and graphics
Technical Editor, Boeing, Seattle, WA (e)
January 1988 to March 1991
- Boeing proposals
- Graphics (Kent Space Center art editor for two years)
- Boeing Corporate: Official CEO correspondence and corporate slide presentations
- White papers
- Research and development studies (IR&D)
- All types of engineering documentation
Honors: P3 Award: Editing Resources Editor of the Quarter, Spring 1990
Mortgage Broker
January 1985 to December 1987: Seattle’s eastside (Bellevue and environs)
Real Estate Broker
September 1978 to December 1984: Residential sales on Seattle’s east side (Woodinville, Redmond, Bellevue, and Issaquah)
Life Insurance Salesman
Metropolitan Life, Bellevue, WA, from June 1976 to August 1978
Honors: Leaders Conference, 1977 (San Diego, CA)
Lead Technical Editor, Milmanco Corporation, Renton, WA (e)
April 1973 to March 1976
- Military manuals (NAVAIR)
- Environmental impact statements
- Waste water treatment operations and maintenance manuals
- Graphics QA manager
College Teaching Experience
- Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID (Freshman Composition)
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (English Literature)
- City University, Seattle, WA (Technical Writing)
- Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA (Technical Writing, Writing White Papers, and Proposal Writing)
- Highline Community College, Seattle, WA (Freshman Composition)
Formal studies:
- University of California, Berkeley, CA, B.A. History, 1965
- Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, M.A. English, 1971
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Ph.D. studies in English Literature (no degree), 1971-1972
- Successfully completed 20 computer programming certificate courses at Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA, 1999-2001
Academic Honors
Member, Phi Kappa Phi, Idaho State University chapter, 1971
High School
San Marino High School, San Marino, CA. Nationally ranked high jumper in the 1959 and 1960 seasons. PR 6-5.
- Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA in 1961: National Junior College Athletic Association “Roll of Honor” in track and field. Ranked sixth in the nation. PR 6-6.
- University of California, Berkeley: track letterman as team manager in 1964 and as a high jumper in 1965. Member Big C Society.
Masters Track & Field
- Nationals, Spokane, 1992, 2nd in 50-54 high jump
- Nationals, Eugene, 2001, 3rd in 55-59 high jump
- Oregon Senior Games, Gresham, 2002, 1st in 60-64 high jump
- Washington Senior Games, Olympia, 2002, 1st in 60-64 high jump
- Idaho Senior Games, Boise, 2002, 1st in 60-64 high jump
- Maryland Senior Games, Towson, 2004, 1st in 60-64 high jump

Oregon Senior Games, Mt. Hood C.C., 2002—First place Age 60-64, tied meet record at 4’8”
- Seattle Marathon, 1983
- More than two dozen half marathons
- 5000 meters, Hayward Classic, 2013
Military Service
Commissioned, United States Naval Reserves, February 1966
USS Princeton (LPH-5), February 1966 to August 1967
- Communications officer
- Crypto Security Officer
- RPS Custodian
- Education and Training Officer for the ship (1100 sailors)
- Combat experience in Vietnam: June to August 1966; March to August 1967
Officer-in-Charge, Registered Publication Office, Long Beach Naval Station, Long Beach, CA from August 1967 to August 1969
Other command experience (reserves): C.O., Mobile Mine Assembly Group, COM-13, Seattle, WA, 1973 to 1975
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 1974.
Released from USNR obligations in January 1992. My mobilization billet was naval intelligence.
Published Non-fiction

Published Poetry

Poetry website: